This is a comprehensive service we deliver by discovering prospective IP assets such as patents, designs, and trade secrets in your organization.
Our IP experts dive into your IP assets and shed light on assets with commercial potential.
When & why do you need?
• To understand what you have as a legal/business asset
• To enter a financial transaction involving IP, such as an investment or an initial public offering
• To conduct IP transaction
What is the tangible benefit for your company?
• Identification and categorization of IP assets
• Cost reduction for IP expenses
• Licensing opportunities for additional revenue streams
• Mergers and acquisitions, anti-infringement actions
How & what do we deliver?
This service consists of 4 stages. The Inventory Stage is a simple stock-taking exercise in which we together catalog all your intangible assets. In the Ownership Stage, we evaluate the ownership status of the assets listed in the inventory.
In the Infringement Check Stage, we gather information on your IP assets to clarify if any of them are subject to an infringement or vice-versa. The Protection Plan Stage identifies any gaps in the legal, regulatory, and administrative procedures linked to the management of your IP assets. We also walk through your IP policy, procedures, and management practices to clarify areas open for improvement.